directed by: stephen williams, who has not had the best track record this season with 'because you left' (pretty good), 'the little prince' (the best kate episode), '316' (ugh), and 'dead is dead' (hrm. send him all your bad-effects smoke monster hate mail).
director of photography: john bartley. some really great shots and setpieces in this episode. the underwater swim was exciting, the temple tunnels looked much better than they did in ben's episode, sawyer's farewell view of the island was beautiful, and the others' golden-hour sunrise exodus to see jacob looked wonderful.
basically: message boards incorrectly revised the description of the ep from alpert to locke centric. while indirect, this was a taughtly-written alpert flashback episode. the chess pieces are in line for the finale, and the setup is brilliant.
- alpert.
- eloise.
- the answers.
- locke.
- jacob.
- leadership.
- a postulation.
- great lines.
- minor gripes.
- a theory.
- preboomer.
- bookmark.
1. alpert.
this man is deeply fascinating. and while we're not yet getting a lot of specific information about him, we're learning a lot of small things that are gradually adding up to a bigger picture:
my original hypothesis that alpert doesn't appear to age because he has been jumping through time seems to be wrong. from what we've seen, alpert simply doesn't age. and judging by this opening shot, it seems clear that they're hinting he is somehow connected to the black rock:
we don't know anything yet about the exact origin of the others. what sets alpert apart from the rest of the others, who have aged normally?
calling this an alpert-centric episode is kind of cheating. he only happens to be present in both timeframes, but we learn nothing about the man - there is no character arc, no initial conflict resolved for him by episode's end. they are still holding their alpert cards very tight. what's headtrippy to think about is that as events in the past appear to us to play out in real time, they are memories to present-day alpert. it would have been pretty cool if the episode was even shot more from his perspective.. even if we didn't learn anything new, use closeups of his face, start the flashback whoosh, and play the 'flashbacks' as though we are literally peeking into alpert's memory of the past.
alpert's presence in both timeframes raises the question of destiny - if all the events of the past are locked in alpert's memory, is it indeed impossible for jack and company to change the course of history? just as eloise has already shot daniel, alpert has already seen our heroes die.
if it is possible to change things, would alpert's present day memory of events change as well? (the movie 'frequency' handled this in an interesting way, allowing characters to possess memories from all of their alternate timelines. digression: elizabeth mitchell was in 'frequency,' and her character killed by a serial killer named jack shephard.)
big remaining questions about alpert:
- what is his origin?
- what exactly does 'advisor' to jacob mean?
- why doesn't he age?
i like the actress they've chosen to play middle eloise. this episode allowed her to go beyond a fionnula flanagan impression into a fleshed-out character - hopefully we'll see even more of that in the finale. i loved the discovery that she and widmore are sort of the kate/jack of the others. - or perhaps they are they sawyer/juliet, and (like sawyer is planning to do by betting on the cowboys in the '78 superbowl) is widmore's off-island empire financed by knowledge of the future?
3. the answer.
and it now becomes clear - the bigger plan for the show, and the two questions i've been asking, and have been frustrated by ever since last year's finale:
- why did all the terrible things happen because they (the oceanic 6) left?
- and why did they need to come back?
- the terrible things happened because all of the 815 survivors were supposed to be bouncing in time after ben pushed the wheel. how is sayid supposed to shoot ben if he's not back on the island? how is kate going to save him if she's not there too?
- they needed to go back because their returning is the cause of a whole chain of events - ben to become ben, the incident to incite, and quite possibly, as jack now believes, erase the future.
- why was locke resurrected? why did he need to wear christian shepard's shoes?
- is he still 'locke' or is he something else now?
- is locke's mystical drive actually coming from logic? are his ideas about destiny now being backed up by his experiences as a time-traveller? have locke and jack fully switched philosophical places?
what locke seems to be realizing is that because of the nature of time, he actually does have a destiny. but his destiny doesn't come from some mystical source - it comes from someone or something that has either already lived it or seen it happen. and apparently he's going to kill that person.
5. jacob.
we've known from almost the first encounter with jacob in his cabin that ben has never really seen him. maybe ben thought he saw jacob, but every time locke says something about an experience with jacob, ben seems surprised. ben seemed especially surprised that jacob had whispered to locke, 'help me.' so surprised, in fact, that he shot locke, perhaps hoping to keep him from doing just that.
so why does jacob need help? is he a prisoner (of time and space? woooo..)? some things to remember about jacob:
- his cabin was built by horace, as a getaway. i'm guessing jacob, like the hostiles, didn't move in until after the purge.
- his cabin is surrounded by what looks like a circle of volcanic ash, or light colored powder, suggesting that it somehow keeps him trapped there.
- the cabin moves around.
- hurley has also seen the cabin, as well as jacob's creepy eye. will hurley's ability to see jacob come into play? what will happen when miles meets a corporeal ghost?
- dead bodies on the island have a habit of disappearing, and then reanimating. correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe that we have only ever seen ghosts of people whose dead bodies are resting on the island. we don't know if claire is dead, but she's been hangin out with dead christian shepard. if flight 815 lands in this week's finale, we might never find out what actually happened to claire.
locke killing jacob is going to be very very important this week - and is probably something that will happen 'simutaneously' with 'the incident.' though separated by 30 years, locke and jack will find themselves on the same geographic spot on the island as we flash back and forth between them as they variously attempt to to kill jacob, and set off the bomb (which is a nice irony to last year's finale which involved trying to disarm a bomb). what's interesting is that alpert is present at both events, meaning that whatever we see happen in the past has existed as a memory in his mind for 30 years.
6. leadership.

'follow the leader' was a great title for an episode that had all factions dealing with some form of leadership conflict.
7. a postulation.
a lengthy speculation about the consequences of changing the timeline:
if flight 815 lands safely at the end of the season, what does this mean in the larger picture of the story? what can we expect in season 6? how will the island still figure into the story? such an action would also undo all of the events caused by time-jumping characters - so alpert would never know to look for john locke as a baby, or to test him as a child. locke would likely never leave his wheelchair, or see the island, ever.
dharma history would be completely different. horace's eventual wife amy would either be killed or taken hostage by the others (for having a picnic with her husband paul on hostile territory). ethan would never be born. in the last podcast, damon and carlton admitted that amy and paul were indeed 'just having a picnic,' and unwittingly broke the truce. being in the wrong, horace would probably let amy die as a casualty of their own folly. peace between dharma and the hostiles would persist.
ben would never be shot. his induction to the hostiles would not come until much later, if at all, and never having been to the temple, he might not ever become the 'ben' we know. he may never challenge widmore for leadership, who would stay on the island with eloise and raise daniel. daniel, desperate to play the only piano on the island, strikes up a romeo and juliet romance with a hot red-haired girl from across the sonic fence.
the incident would still happen - the swan station built, and the button pushed by radzinsky. but without a purge, radzinsky is relieved of duty, and button-pushing goes swimmingly for decades. desmond never ends up in the hatch because either penny was never born, or widmore presented no obstacle between them. if penny isn't born, then desmond marries libby, who never gets on the plane. either way, desmond continues the rest of his life as a set designer for the royal shakespeare company.
a nuclear blast on the island would also wipe out the numbers transmission - meaning that hurley would never learn the numbers from sam toomey, and would thereby never win the lottery, and would therefore not even be on 815 in the first place. the source of his curse wiped out, hurley continues working at mr. clucks. he hooks up with starla. but because celestial bodies are unaffected by miniscule changes in earth's timeline, hurley is killed by the asteriod that destroyed mr. clucks in 2003, a year before 815 ever takes off. tricia tanaka breaks the story and goes on to anchor the local evening news.
rousseau's science ship would never be diverted to investigate the numbers transmission. she gives birth to alex, and they live happily ever after in france with her husband robert. montand plays the violin beautifully.
jack would discover his half-sibling relationship to claire at his father's funeral, just a few days after flight 815 lands at LAX. he says to her, 'wow yeah, dad was pretty much an asshole.'
after their flirt at the airport bar in sydney, ana lucia puts the pieces together and confesses to jack her involvement in christian's death. jack marries ana lucia. when she was a cop, she was shot in the abdomen while pregnant, and is now unable to have a child. jack and ana lucia adopt aaron.
sawyer's pursuit of 'the real sawyer' would eventually lead him to locke, where the two of them might work together to exorcise their mutual demon.
kate goes to prison.
charlie od's.
in los angeles, jin and sun attempt to escape her father's influence. without the island, jin has low sperm count, and they are unable to conceive.
sayid runs into nadia at best buy, ironically, on the same corner she was killed at in the original timeline. they live happily ever after. until they both die in their sleep from the gas leak in her house that locke warned her about during her home inspection years ago.
rose dies of cancer. bernard comes back from the bathroom.
gary troup publishes 'bad twin.' without the notoriety of the crash, it is a creative and financial failure. cindy dumps him.
vincent, tragically, is doomed to spend his days listening to walt and michael bicker.
shannon and boone bug the shit out of me.
and nikki and paolo get swine flu.
of course, for a show that's repeated 'no paradox' over and over, if detonating the bomb lands flight 815, then it means no one goes back in time to set it off. so detonating it would negate the event's own occurrence. which makes me think that maybe they will stick to one timeline.
while they say 'no paradox,' there are some very interesting ideas at play - listen to this week's poadcast, where damon and carlton talk in detail about the history of locke's compass, with no actual origin, passed in an infinite loop of time, aging 50 years each time it circles the loop.
8. great moments.
the writing in this episode was top notch.
after everyone's arrived in the tunnels, eloise echoes her own preboomer from 'this place is death' by saying 'all right. let's get started.'
locke: i'm not afraid of anything you can do anymore, ben.
kate: it was not all misery.
jack: enough of it was.
chang: you fought in the korean war?
hurley: there's no such thing.
chang: who's the president of the united states?
hurley: alright, we're from the future.

i loved the han/leia scenes between juliet and sawyer. she is just as tough as he is - she proved it while giving him orders back in the season 3 olden days, building the runway for ajira 316. my elizabeth mitchell notable subtlety of the week is the tiny tiny mona lisa smile she has after being punched in the face by phil. it's as if she's saying 'finally, these people are learning how to play the game like the others.' this week we will certainly see the other side of the outrigger boat gunfight, in which juliet shot someone from the other boat. please please please don't let it be that juliet accidentally killed herself. (though if 815 lands, it doesn't matter. in fact, we may see a lot of beloved characters die before the bomb is finally ignited, if it's ignited.)'follow the leader' was a great title for an episode that had all factions dealing with some form of leadership conflict.
- dharma: horace proves himself too wimpy to take necessary measures to protect dharma, and is rather easily usurped by radzinsky.. no wonder radz puts the gun to his mouth after several years of button-pushing. he finally gets to sit in the big chair, then ends up running in a hamster wheel for a decade.
- the others (2008): locke returns to 'his people' and promptly takes his place as island jesus, much to the consternation of alpert and ben. (which makes me wonder what kind of 'leader' they expected locke to be, since they've both spent years maneuvering him into this position.) as the leader of 'a people,' you'd think locke might want to know where those people came from. maybe he does know, somehow.
- the others (1977): not as much of a leadership struggle here, but an interesting revelation that eloise is really calling the shots. she not only has the power to talk widmore down, she's able to lead richard on a mission that can't be anything but suicidal.
- survivors of 815 (1977): sawyer's time as leader of the survivors within dharma officially ends.
- survivors of 316 (2008): the only group not addressed, but their leaders are clearly bran and ilana. how will their mission intersect with locke's? what is their mission?
7. a postulation.
a lengthy speculation about the consequences of changing the timeline:
if flight 815 lands safely at the end of the season, what does this mean in the larger picture of the story? what can we expect in season 6? how will the island still figure into the story? such an action would also undo all of the events caused by time-jumping characters - so alpert would never know to look for john locke as a baby, or to test him as a child. locke would likely never leave his wheelchair, or see the island, ever.
dharma history would be completely different. horace's eventual wife amy would either be killed or taken hostage by the others (for having a picnic with her husband paul on hostile territory). ethan would never be born. in the last podcast, damon and carlton admitted that amy and paul were indeed 'just having a picnic,' and unwittingly broke the truce. being in the wrong, horace would probably let amy die as a casualty of their own folly. peace between dharma and the hostiles would persist.
ben would never be shot. his induction to the hostiles would not come until much later, if at all, and never having been to the temple, he might not ever become the 'ben' we know. he may never challenge widmore for leadership, who would stay on the island with eloise and raise daniel. daniel, desperate to play the only piano on the island, strikes up a romeo and juliet romance with a hot red-haired girl from across the sonic fence.
the incident would still happen - the swan station built, and the button pushed by radzinsky. but without a purge, radzinsky is relieved of duty, and button-pushing goes swimmingly for decades. desmond never ends up in the hatch because either penny was never born, or widmore presented no obstacle between them. if penny isn't born, then desmond marries libby, who never gets on the plane. either way, desmond continues the rest of his life as a set designer for the royal shakespeare company.
a nuclear blast on the island would also wipe out the numbers transmission - meaning that hurley would never learn the numbers from sam toomey, and would thereby never win the lottery, and would therefore not even be on 815 in the first place. the source of his curse wiped out, hurley continues working at mr. clucks. he hooks up with starla. but because celestial bodies are unaffected by miniscule changes in earth's timeline, hurley is killed by the asteriod that destroyed mr. clucks in 2003, a year before 815 ever takes off. tricia tanaka breaks the story and goes on to anchor the local evening news.
rousseau's science ship would never be diverted to investigate the numbers transmission. she gives birth to alex, and they live happily ever after in france with her husband robert. montand plays the violin beautifully.
jack would discover his half-sibling relationship to claire at his father's funeral, just a few days after flight 815 lands at LAX. he says to her, 'wow yeah, dad was pretty much an asshole.'
after their flirt at the airport bar in sydney, ana lucia puts the pieces together and confesses to jack her involvement in christian's death. jack marries ana lucia. when she was a cop, she was shot in the abdomen while pregnant, and is now unable to have a child. jack and ana lucia adopt aaron.
sawyer's pursuit of 'the real sawyer' would eventually lead him to locke, where the two of them might work together to exorcise their mutual demon.
kate goes to prison.
charlie od's.
in los angeles, jin and sun attempt to escape her father's influence. without the island, jin has low sperm count, and they are unable to conceive.
sayid runs into nadia at best buy, ironically, on the same corner she was killed at in the original timeline. they live happily ever after. until they both die in their sleep from the gas leak in her house that locke warned her about during her home inspection years ago.
rose dies of cancer. bernard comes back from the bathroom.
gary troup publishes 'bad twin.' without the notoriety of the crash, it is a creative and financial failure. cindy dumps him.
vincent, tragically, is doomed to spend his days listening to walt and michael bicker.
shannon and boone bug the shit out of me.
and nikki and paolo get swine flu.
of course, for a show that's repeated 'no paradox' over and over, if detonating the bomb lands flight 815, then it means no one goes back in time to set it off. so detonating it would negate the event's own occurrence. which makes me think that maybe they will stick to one timeline.
while they say 'no paradox,' there are some very interesting ideas at play - listen to this week's poadcast, where damon and carlton talk in detail about the history of locke's compass, with no actual origin, passed in an infinite loop of time, aging 50 years each time it circles the loop.
8. great moments.
the writing in this episode was top notch.
after everyone's arrived in the tunnels, eloise echoes her own preboomer from 'this place is death' by saying 'all right. let's get started.'
locke: i'm not afraid of anything you can do anymore, ben.
kate: it was not all misery.
jack: enough of it was.
chang: you fought in the korean war?
hurley: there's no such thing.
chang: who's the president of the united states?
hurley: alright, we're from the future.
9. minor gripes.
- love quadrangle returns. my heart sank at the staging and execution of the scene where kate climbs down the ladder into the sub as foil to sawyer and juliet's plans for a happy future. it feels easy, obvious, and not nearly as interesting as seeing these people work together. how great would this have been if kate enters the scene, and then sawyer convinces juliet that everything is going to be alright? kate is there to find claire, and juliet should know that. bringing back this artificial obstacle is a disservice to characters that we know are smarter. the only thing that can save it is if hurley pops his head in and calls it out. 'dudes! you two are totally together!' i feel like a scene of kate's capture by the dharmas must have been cut. her mission was to stop jack from detonating the bomb.. but now she seems pretty happy to just sit on the sub quietly.
- the show has too often used the misdirection of tricking us into thinking someone has been shot, then showing the bad guy drop dead instead, then showing a third party savior holding a smoking gun. please concoct new form of surprise/misdirection, thanx.
- sun steps forward from the crowd and asks locke if jacob can bring her husband back. every episode, depending on where it's set, has either sun or jin saying some variation of 'if there's a chance i can find my huband/wife, then i have to stay.' if they're not going to use jin for anything else, his character should have stolen a jeep and gone searching the jungle for sun by himself.. why haven't they given either of these characters actions to play??? jin is finally able to speak fluent english and is given absolutely nothing to say.
- was this disastrously fake cgi shot of the sub really necessary? it looks like a halo screenshot. the rendering of the water is unforgivable. the surface is a recognizable, repeated pattern, and the waves in the sub's wake are perfectly symmetrical and totally unnatural. when did the show proper become via domus? though the shot sucked, i think it was important to show us that the sub actually did leave port, and the inside of the sub isn't just a '20,000 leagues under the sea' ride at disney.
- coming attractions. these really really suck sometimes. i didn't need to see that sayer and juliet get back on land, wielding rifles. someone said to me 'but c'mon, you knew they were going to end up back on the island..' no. i did not know that. this is the show that flashed forward. this is a show that surprises. i hate having setups ruined like that.
10. a theory.
11. preboomer.
locke: so i can kill him.
superlong wtf-face from ben here. we don't yet know what this means, but it sure means a hell of a lot to ben, who's just been told by the ghost of his daughter that he must do everything locke askes him to do. how much does ben even know about jacob? how much does alpert even know?
12: bookmark.
just a reminder of how far we've come, and how little we have left in the story:
chapters read: 101
chapters remaining: 19
thanks to rob. k for edits/suggestions.
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Excellent entry Joe!
Is it Wednesday yet?!?!?
This week's podcast was fantastic: it addressed the Comic-Con video, the compass and totally validates my Jacob as sixty-feet tall and made entirely of flames.
Not to forget D&Cs dismay in the podcast about seeing Sawyer in teaser for the finale.
I love how their podcast works so well to acknowledge warts.
Where in the moses is the new post!?!?!?!?
it's coming..
I know, I just need some theory's man, I need someone to tell me Juliet is alive... even if its a lie.
juliet is alive!!! ..but not for very long, i fear.
Somewhat irrevelant, but did the producers ever explain why they hired Zoe Bell at the end of season 4? She's an amazing stunt person, and all she did was jump off of the freightor with chains wrapped around her body! Who was her character Regina supposed to be other than a faint background person??
Is the final recap going to be up before the start of next season? I'm already forgetting what happened in the finale. I demand that you carve time out of your busy schedule to entertain me.
Entertain us!
Entertain us!
Entertain us!
where's the post for the finale man? counting on your insights.
where's the post for the finale man? counting on your insights.