well, let me first say that i'm not a huge fan of arzt. he does, in many ways 'represent' the socks, which is an important function, but my main gripe really is with the actor. he falls into a trap that many amateur actors succumb to when asked to play unlikable characters - the 'unlikable-ness' of the character easily becomes a shield for just outright bad acting.

while his character was able to raise some interesting questions and remind us that yes, there are 40 other people who survived, and they've all got stuff going on too, i was pretty damn happy to see him exploded.

and here we have what is really just a quick joke that briefly addresses the camp conflict about whether to move from the beach to the caves in season 1. it's written by showrunner lindelof himself, has some fun punchlines, but honestly. i don't need more arzt.

what i did like:

• the way it addressed jin's confusion about shannon and boone's relationship, and how that interaction reveals a small piece of sun's lie about speaking english.
• arzt doesn't even know locke and kate's names. i like the idea of perspective, that to the other survivors, they are just other people running around in the jungle too.

and here's the main thing this episode is to remind us of:

• michael's willingness to stand up for sun
• jack's crazy episode when he saw his father and went running through the jungle to find him.

i'm hoping that the question of where the bodies of people impersonated by the monster (christian shepard, yemi) are going will be answered..



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